Thursday, January 13, 2011

Want to Make a Difference?

I find that after the big holiday rush, I have some time where I reflect about my year's accomplishments. This year was much busier than most years for me and I felt that many of my endeavors did not work out as I had hoped. Also I'm getting older and I have a need inside me to give back to my fellow human. I feel that one of the main reasons we are here in earth is to give back to our fellow humans and to help those in need. And I believe that we only get to keep what we freely give away.

I decided that I would start a team on Kiva (microlending for 3rd world entrepreneurs) and invite all of my fellow metalsmiths to join. You do not need to be in etsy or etsy metal to participate. The smallest loan is $25. I made a donation of $25 to be put with other money to make a loan via paypal. Its super easy to do.

Check out to see if you would like to join.

So please consider joining if you would like to make a small difference in the world of poverty!

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