Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Next Show in Richmond, Virginia

New Pendants....
Originally uploaded by sarawestermark
It was lovely to have a show last weekend in Charleston, SC for the Piccolo-Spoletto Festival. I love the old downtown and the fabulous new (but kinda scary at night) bridge. The show organizers were so good to the vendors and supplied us with lots of water and gatorade. On Sunday, they even organized a gourmet brunch for all the vendors and volunteers. With all the talented artists showing their work, I was fortunate enough to get "Honorable Mention."

This week I've been working on some new pieces to take with me to my show in Richmond, VA on June 12th and 13th. The show is called "Art Awards" and will be held at the Richmond, VA Raceway.

I'm thrilled that my oldest daughter loves to travel with me. She is getting the hang of selling and its fun to see her engage the customers. She is charming and knows my work. I remember how much I loved to travel with my father to help him with his antique shows. It was a chance to see the world and to meet new people.

If you live nearby, please come out and say "hello"!

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