Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do Something to Help the Worlds' Children!

I know a friend whose son works with this fabulous organization called Compassion. They feed, educate, and nurture children in third world countries from a Christian persective. These children get what they need to thrive and contribute in their communities to make the world a better place one child at a time. I think the key is that they get education to improve their lives and they understand the importance of staying in their communities to give back to others.

I sponsor a beautiful little girl with my family in India. I was drawn to her because she loves to sing and is near the same age as my middle daughter. I love the Indian culture and feel very inspired by it. It is a small way to give back to the world but it feels good to contribute what I can. I write letters to Diya and they get translated. Right now Diya cannot write very much back to me because she is only 6, but her mother sends me letters telling me about her activities. I send her letters about our life her in the US. I've been following the blogs of folks who are touring India from the Compassion organization. I believe that this is very important and I feel great to be a very small part of it. I believe with my whole heart that in this life we only get to keep what we freely give away.


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